
1. The Computer Vision Homepage
2. CVPapers - Computer Vision Resource
3. Computer Vision Resources
4. CVonline - Compendium of Computer Vision
5. Vision Resources | Computer Vision Central
6. Reproducible Research in Computational Science

1. OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision (Wiki, C/C++, 最新版本2.4.2)
2. VXL - C++ Libraries for Computer Vision
3. MRPT - The Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit (C++)
4. libCVD - computer vision library
5. STAIR Vision Library (C++)
6. VLFeat (C/Matlab)
7. VIGRA - Generic Programming for Computer Vision (C++)
8. NASA Vision Workbench by Matthew D. Hancher and Michael Broxton (C++)
9. QVision - Computer Vision Library for Qt
10. BazAR (C++)
11. BLEPO (C++)
12. CCV - A Modern Computer Vision Library (C)
13. AForge (C#)
14. Accord (C#)

1. Peter’s Functions for Computer Vision (Matlab)
2. Piotr’s Image & Video Matlab Toolbox (Matlab)
3. Peter Corke’s Machine Vision Toolbox (Matlab)
4. MATLAB Functions for Multiple View Geometry
5. Balu Toolbox Matlab
6. Machine Learning Toolbox by Kevin Murphy (Matlab)
7. Graph Boosting Toolbox for Matlab
8. MATLAB Toolbox for the LabelMe Image Database

1. The CImg Library - C++ Template Image Processing Toolkit by David Tschumperlé
2. Boost GIL - Boost Generic Image Library
3. FreeImage
4. ITK - Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
5. VTK - The Visualization Toolkit
6. ImageJ
7. Fiji
8. openip
9. Image Processing Library (IPL)
10. MeVisLab - Medical Imagemage Processing and Visualization (for Mac OS X)

1. QccPack - Quantization, Compression, and Coding Library by James E. Fowler

多视几何和三位重构(Multiple View Geometry and 3D Reconstruction)
1. FIT3D - Multiple View Geometry and 3D Reconstruction for Matlab by Isaac Esteban
2. Oxford Visual Geometry Group

Bundle adjustment
1. Wikipedia about Bundle adjustment
2. sba - A Generic Sparse Bundle Adjustment C/C++ Package Based on the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm
3. ceres-solver - A Nonlinear Least Squares Minimizer by Sameer Agarwal

1. PCL - Point Cloud Library

1. RANSAC Toolbox for Matlab
2. RANSAC Matlab implementation
3. MRPT RANSAC C++ examples
4. RANSAC C++ template framework
5. PCL’s RANSAC tutorial
6. RANdom Sample Consensus (RANSAC) in C#
7. GroupSAC

1. Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab
2. OCamCalib - Omnidirectional Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab

1. SIFT – Scale-invariant feature transform
2. SURF – Speeded Up Robust Features
3. BRIEF – Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
4. DAISY – An Efficient Dense Descriptor Applied for Wide Baseline Stereo
5. ORB – An efficient alternative to SIFT or SURF

1. ANN - A Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Searching
2. FLANN - Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors

1. Willow Garage (ROS, PCL and OpenCV)

1. NUS CS4243 - Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition
2. NTU Digital Visual Effects
3. WISC CS766, Computer Vision, Fall, 2010
4. WISC CS766, Computer Vision, Fall, 2009
5. WISC CS766, Computer Vision, Fall, 2008
6. WISC CS766, Computer Vision, Fall 2007

1. Deva Ramanan - 目标检测与跟踪
2. Richard Szeliski
3. Brian Curless (University of Washington)
4. Noah Snavely
5. Matthew Brown - 特征检测与匹配
6. Kyros Kutulakos
7. Sameer Agarwal
8. Sebastian Nowozin

1. Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications by Richard Szeliski

1. Sensors and Early Vision(传感器和早期视觉)
2. Color and Texture(颜色和纹理)
3. Segmentation and Grouping(分割和组合)
4. Motion and Tracking(运动和跟踪)
5. Stereo and Structure from Motion(立体和从运动恢复结构)
6. Image-Based Modeling(基于图像的建模)
7. Illumination and Reflectance Modeling(光照和反射建模)
8. Shape Representation(形状表示)
9. Object Recognition(对象识别)
10. Video Analysis and Event Recognition(视频分析和事件识别)
11. Face and Gesture(人脸和手势)
12. Statistical Methods and Learning(统计方法和学习)
13. Performance Evaluation(性能评估)
14. Image and Video Retrieval(图像和视频检索)
15. Applications(应用)



BLAS & LAPACK for Windows

One note for building Caffe RC3 on Ubuntu 14.04
